June 27, 2011

Back-seat Driver: Collision won’t deter biking advocate

By Tony Bizjak 

The smackdown came, as they often do, out of nowhere.  “I remember being on my bike. I remember the car coming at me, and I remember being on the ground cussing,” Tricia Hedahl said.

Hedahl of Sacramento, a serious cyclist, got hit by a left-turning vehicle at 27th and H streets a week ago. Her souvenir: a broken leg.  It could have been worse. Two cyclists have been killed on H and J streets near Sacramento State in the last few years.

But Hedahl’s crash offers a distinct, even ironic, message. Hedahl is executive director of Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates, the region’s main bike safety and advocacy group.  Hedahl said she isn’t sure yet what perspective to put on the crash.  “There has to be a lesson in this. I don’t know what yet.”

The car driver told police she didn’t see Hedahl. Another car had just passed, possibly obscuring the driver’s view of Hedahl.Police spokesman Norm Leong said the driver shouldn’t have turned until the intersection was clear. Police, though, did not cite the driver.

Read more: http://www.sacbee.com/2011/06/27/3729137/back-seat-driver-collision-wont.html#ixzz1QVog19hL

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